Dizzy the Dolphin and Friends

Free Games

Play some of Dizzy's FREE games for kids (and grown-ups)!

All of these games and activities are free to play and most of them work in your web browser on desktop, laptop and mobile devices - so no downloading or login account is required. Enjoy them, share the page with friends and family, and keep coming back to see when we add new games in the future.

Online Colouring Books!

Have fun colouring in these pictures in your web browser using your mouse or finger on touch screen devices. Don't worry about getting the colours right. You can even give Dizzy stripes if you like!

Dizzy and Oscar

Dizzy and Terrance

Dizzy and the treasure chest

Printable Colouring Sheets!

Download and print off these work sheets to colour in where ever you are. Use crayons, pencils, paint or pens and even add your own sea creatures!
The files are in PDF (Adobe Acrobat) format.

Online Word Searches!

Try to find all of the words about Dizzy, her friends, and the ocean! Each word listed on the right of the puzzle will be hidden somewhere in the grid of letters. They might be written across, up, down... even diagonal or backwards! Use your finger to drag a line from the starting letter to the ending letter of each word.

Word Search 1

Word Search 2

Word Search 3

Dizzy the Dolphin